Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Condominium in Hawaii

Address: 96761

Approximate value $: 100,000

1 bedroom 1 bathroom ground floor unit in Napili Ridge. Leashold unit good through 2049 or option to purchase fee for $125,000. Vacation rentable for $125 per night, ground floor, walk to the beach at Napili Bay. Tremendous appreciation potential with similar condos going for triple this amount just 3 years ago.

In exchange for House in Nevada

I would like to trade for a condo or cabin in the Lake Tahoe or Carson City area of Nevada. Fixer uppers ok. Closer to lake Tahoe the better. I am willing to get a loan for the difference in value.

ID: 23322, Submitted: 06/03/2013 20:43:40, Updated: 06/03/2013 20:45:33, Visitors: 5617


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