Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Hawaii

Address: hilo 96720

Approximate value $: 120k

It is an unfinished house that I will give u most of the materials to finish. It is a brand new 3 bedroom/2 bathroom house. The water meter is already in. I want to trade for a fee simple condo on oahu or a house or lot on any island of hawaii. If it is on the big island I want it in west hawaii. I can add money.

In exchange for Land in Hawaii

Approximate value $ : 120k

I want a condo on oahu or a house or lot on any island.

ID: 24065, Submitted: 03/25/2014 05:10:29, Updated: 03/25/2014 05:10:29, Visitors: 8455


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