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House in Vermont

Address: Warren 05674

Approximate value $: 1,150,000

Description: Remarkably designed, spacious, light filled rooms, soaring beamed cathedral ceilings, extensive built-in cabinetry, gourmet kitchen with radiant heated tile, marble and cherry wood floors. Living room fireplace with antique mantle, cherry floors w/inlaid verde antique marble. Four fire places and two porcelain, wood burning stoves. Beautiful gardens surround the home with stonework patios & pathways, and a private pond. Includes a mother-in-law or rental apartment and heated garage. A babbling brook runs in front of the property. Entire house provides lucrative rental opportunity during ski season.

"Conjure up a Hollywood-influenced image of Vermont, and chances are you'll picture the Mad River Valley. It's equal parts Bing Crosby's "White Christmas" and "The Bob Newhart Show." The rolling, pastoral countryside is dotted with clapboard farmhouses, restored barns, restored inns and those iconic Vermont cows. The mountains rise sharply, and sideroads to ski areas wind through ledges cutting the landscape.

The valley remains free of large chain hotels, fast-food restaurants and other sprawl. Two small towns, Waitsfield and Warren, provide everything a visitor might need, and do so in that oh-so-Vermont, New York-accented country-store fashion. You may be rusticating, but you needn't do without a fine wine and a fancy meal."


In exchange for Property in New York

Approximate value $ : 900,000 to 1,200,000

Coop in Mantattan

ID: 14120, Submitted: 05/12/2011 14:19:38, Updated: 05/12/2011 14:19:38, Visitors: 5424


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