Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in Wisconsin

Address: poplar River road and Halkett road lakeside 54864

Approximate value $: 300,000.

Stunning Lake Superior south shoreline property. Three hundred feet of privately owned sandy beach shore line, 10 acres of land with beautiful sunsets and privacy. 10 miles from Duluth, 5 miles from freeway with easy access but no highway or road noise. Hunting is excellent and access can be granted to additional lands owned by the owner for hunting as well. Zoning is a bonus as this land can have either a recreational vehicle, mobile home or home built. Electric nearby, cell phone reception is great, all roads including your private roads are plowed regularly in winter by city, great neighbors but lots of privacy. This section of land has been owned by us for 30 years and has not been offered before.

In exchange for Property in Florida

Approximate value $ : 300,000

would consider a house, condo, villa or townhouse trade, prefer close or on beach or lake, would also like a pool.

ID: 14089, Submitted: 05/09/2011 10:35:46, Updated: 05/09/2011 10:35:46, Visitors: 2319


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