Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Condominium in Tennessee

Address: Oakledge Way Knoxville 37931

Approximate value $: $250000

We want to trade 2 condos in West Knoxville for a house in West Knoxville. The one level condos are in the Westbrook Subdiv. It is a nice clean complex with a pool. the homeowner fees are only $75/mo. The smaller condo could be rented for approx $700/mo. The larger condo backs up to woods in a very quiet location.

In exchange for House in Tennessee, 37931

Approximate value $ : 225K

We are looking for a house with approx 2500 sq ft in or near the 37931 zip code. It must be located in a quiet neighborhood, on flat ground, and in good condition.

ID: 19850, Submitted: 12/31/2011 11:13:29, Updated: 12/31/2011 11:13:29, Visitors: 6148


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