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Condominium in Tennessee

Address: 1507 Highland Ave. Knoxville 37916

Approximate value $: 110000

This condo is perfect for University of TN, Knoxville Students. Walk to class or take the trolley downtown! 660 SQFT, 2 bedrooms and one bath. Top level unit. Community swimming pool. Condo comes with 2 parking passes and an additional owners parking pass. Laundry on site.

In exchange for House in Tennessee, 37363

Approximate value $ : 100000

2 bedroom or 1 bedroom condo with equal or greater value. I will pay the differnce in cash if the value is greater.

ID: 26391, Submitted: 10/17/2018 00:43:36, Updated: 10/17/2018 00:43:36, Visitors: 7644


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