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Farm in Ohio

Address: 1320 South Bird Road Springfield 45505

Approximate value $: 350,000.

Almost 28 acre farm with historic 1835 farm house. The road is named for Silas Van Bird builder of the home. 15 acres of hay ground - rest in pasture. One large storage barn...several others in need of repair. Property is 3 minutes from I70, located near 3 large Antique Malls, across from a golf course, 45 minutes from Columbus or Dayton, Ohio. Prime Development area.

In exchange for Land in Florida, Pasco County

Approximate value $ : 300,000.

Home with some acreage

ID: 21334, Submitted: 03/22/2012 20:11:00, Updated: 03/22/2012 20:11:00, Visitors: 11065


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