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Farm in Tennessee

Address: Speedwell 37870

Approximate value $: 269.000

115 acre turn key secluded, rustic, self-sufficent homestead in a holler around 10 miles from the small town of Harrogate,TN. Mountainous land.Third of a mile long private driveway. A 100 year old 1,000 square foot remodeled house, and a 600 square foot cabin. Main house has regular electricity and a Sun-Mar compost toilet. Cabin is off-grid with solar and wood cookstove. 3 good gravity flow springs, large fenced gardens, woodlot, large barn ,sawmill bulldozer, backhoe, tractor, and attachments, young fruit trees, root cellar, and much more. Low taxes. The machinary is in good shape several have recently been rebuilt, but they are older and some of them need to be painted still.
You can see pictures of my Homestead on Craigslist, go to the Knoxville Tennessee realestate listings and the keywords are - 115 Acre Homestead - if you have trouble finding it contact me let me know your email and I can send you a link.

In exchange for Property in Alaska

Would like a remote or semi remote property of lesser value. 150,00 or less perferablely. With cash etc, to make up the differance.

ID: 23808, Submitted: 12/02/2013 19:02:21, Updated: 12/29/2013 13:37:36, Visitors: 7289


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