Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Arkansas

Address: Amity 71921

Approximate value $: 229,000

2 Story Log Home on over 1 acre. 3bd, 2ba, outbuildings, new stainless steel appliances, only 20 minutes from beautiful Hot Springs, AR. Taxes only $300 a year if you rent property out or live in it full time and pay $0 in taxes with the Arkansas Homestead Credit.

In exchange for House in Any state

Would love to find a property near some type of water, but would consider an even trade or trade for something of lesser or slightly higher value anywhere.

ID: 217, Submitted: 04/17/2008 15:07:30, Updated: 04/17/2008 15:07:30, Visitors: 13588


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