Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Kansas

Address: 10105 highway 59 Erie 66733

Approximate value $: 89,000

The house was a commercial prop, so it has three phase power to the building, currently my wife and kids are living in it... out back is a nice chicken coop and the surrounding 6 acres is great pasture for livestock... if you look at an aerial view of the prop, mine is the last house in that row, I own everything back to the creek and south to the gravel road (100)if your a survivalist of back to basics kind of person this place is perfect for you
What we like is someplace with at least 4 bedrooms or guest house and with my wife's heart condition something close to a hospital.... thanks for looking

In exchange for House in Any state

mim, 4 bed close to hospital, semi rural but am open to offers

ID: 9143, Submitted: 10/27/2010 10:56:48, Updated: 10/27/2010 10:56:48, Visitors: 9534


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