Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Missouri

Address: 7143 winona ave saint louis 63109

Approximate value $: 100000

House in nice area.1 bd+,full basment,2 ext.rooms ,enclosed front+back porch,1/2 acres land,back yard like park,close to everything...want trade for 1or2bd.condo,town house chicago,venice fl.,for info call314/729/7748..,thanks...

In exchange for Condominium in Illinois, chicago or venice,fl

Approximate value $ : 100000

im loking 1or 2 bd.condo or town house..

ID: 11452, Submitted: 01/07/2011 18:52:37, Updated: 01/07/2011 18:52:37, Visitors: 5691


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