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House in New Mexico

Address: LaMadera 87539

Approximate value $: 629,000

Large home on 7 acres located adjacent to the Ojo Caliente river. The dwelling consists of two connected dwellings, an apartment with a main dwelling. The apartment is 3 bedroom and 2 bath. The main house is a 3 bedroom 3.5 bath with large living area, kitchen, and dining area. The dwelling also has a 4 car garage. There is a large barn on the property. Property has water rights, lots of wildlife, adjacent to national forest and BLM property.

In exchange for Farm in Tennessee, 37760

Approximate value $ : 600,000

Looking for a farm with a house and property.

ID: 24123, Submitted: 04/17/2014 01:44:17, Updated: 04/17/2014 01:44:17, Visitors: 6676


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