Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in New York

Address: Troy 12182

Approximate value $: 134,000

3 Bedroom house in excellent condition. Private driveway, quite street in historic Lansingburgh section of Troy. Landscaped with recent concrete patio with inground pool.Located 20 minutes from Albany, and 40 minutes form beautiful Saratoga Springs.Close to prestigious university,RPI. Only 3 hours from NYC or Boston.

In exchange for Town House in Florida, South Carolina

Approximate value $ : 140,000

Ideally a townhouse or condo, no bigger than 1300 Sq.ft with 2 bedrooms. Prefer location in or near Columbia SC, would also consider a similar property in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

ID: 24174, Submitted: 05/04/2014 15:31:11, Updated: 05/04/2014 15:31:11, Visitors: 7537


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