Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in North Carolina

Address: 27850

Approximate value $: 900,000

5 BR 5 Bth Victorian Home on Lake Gaston,,,,main lake view
walk to boathouse to access lake...3 floors plus walk out basement
will sell or trade for home in Triangle area (Raleigh,Durham, Cary) in 200,000-400,000 range plus cash...preferably near Duke,
UNC or NCState

In exchange for House in North Carolina, 27502

Approximate value $ : 200,000-400,000

3-4 BR...Can be a fixer...I am Builder

ID: 22936, Submitted: 01/25/2013 16:31:21, Updated: 01/25/2013 16:31:21, Visitors: 12105


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