Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in North Carolina

Address: 259 Beulaville Hwy Richlands 28574

Approximate value $: 150,000

This is a single wide 1973 trailer affixed to a 1/2 acre lot it is in a Main Street in nice rural area about 20 min to Jacksonville Nc and 35 min to Gorgeous beaches - the Trailer is completely liveable has been upgraded structurally just recently on lot with huge oak trees that is approx 1/2 acre has central heat and a/c can be income producing rental - want to permanently trade for nice yr round little cottage on rural lake - in Ma- Ct- or Southern NH - I want to be near my grandkids who live in ct - no mortgage just direct swap - I like Otis - Sandisfeild - area but will consider what you have please help me out grandkids growing and need time with them ( I am near camp Lejune)

In exchange for House in Any state

Lakefront or very close

ID: 24945, Submitted: 07/26/2015 18:44:29, Updated: 07/26/2015 18:44:29, Visitors: 7386


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