Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in North Carolina

Address: Asheville 28806

Approximate value $: 265000

Located in Asheville, NC, a wonderful little city in Western NC. 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, 1400 square feet, built in 1924. Updated, beautiful home in very desirable family friendly neighborhood, short walk to restaurants, shops, schools, and library. Fenced front and back yard, unfinished basement and shed for storage. Hardwood floors, large updated kitchen, tiled bathrooms, hardwood floors. Huge southern-style front porch.

In exchange for House in Idaho, 83864

Approximate value $ : similar

Similar priced home in Sandpoint, ID, within city limits or not too far out.

ID: 288, Submitted: 04/26/2008 16:16:08, Updated: 04/26/2008 16:17:52, Visitors: 4913


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