Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Ohio

Address: 45424

Approximate value $: 80,000

3 Bedroom, 1 Bath in Huber Heights, Ohio, a suburb of Dayton. Huge backyard, great neighbors. I'm willing to take care of any repairs an inspector may find (no problems @ last inspection 5 years ago) or any cosmetic changes.

10 easy miles from Wright-Patterson AFB. Also in the area are many hospitals, malls, parks, and restaurants. Good schools with all new elementary school, middle school, and high school being built for the 2011 school year.

Looking for a house, condo, or apartment of any value in the Raleigh, North Carolina area. Open for negotiation.

In exchange for House in North Carolina, 27603

ID: 15531, Submitted: 08/03/2011 07:05:42, Updated: 08/03/2011 07:05:42, Visitors: 6299


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