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House in Tennessee

Address: grassy lane sweetwater 37874

Approximate value $: 95,000

I have a 3br/2 ba modular home on 3.75 acres and it is fenced for horses with a shed structure for run-in access for a horse or cows. There is also 2 out buildings. Very private setting yet 2 miles from I-75. 30 min drive from Knoxville in sweet lil small city. We just dont need this much land as I no longer have horses. The modular home is 8 years old. TN has no state income tax and low property taxes. nearest neighbor is on one side only at 100 yards.

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : up to 100 k

I want a home that features a small yard (preferably fenced in for small dogs) located in town and at least 2 bedrooms. Itis very impt for us to trade down in size and have in town amenities

ID: 10488, Submitted: 12/10/2010 15:48:29, Updated: 12/20/2010 14:08:35, Visitors: 7996


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