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House in Tennessee

Address: 550 Fisher Lane Greenback/Glendale 37742

Approximate value $: 510,000

Near Knoxville Tn. 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath .... on 9 acres.
Overlooking the Tennessee River, Tellico Lake, Cumberland
Mountains, Smokey Mountains, views from every room. (4) car
garage with workshop. 3,750 S.F. living, 5,900 S.F. total.
Paved road frontage, 1,200 ft concrete drive. Built in 2007
Owned free and clear...Looking to trade down to warmer weather.
House was listed at $645,000. Its a GREAT DEAL at $510,000.
See photos and details on MLS #731757 and Tellico
Realty website in Lenior City Tn......

In exchange for House in Florida, 32609

Approximate value $ : 250,000

3 bedroom 2 bath on 3-10 acres (not in a development)
Gainesville area paved road frontage would be nice.

ID: 11018, Submitted: 12/26/2010 15:54:00, Updated: 01/01/2011 16:45:49, Visitors: 6451


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