Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in West Virginia

Address: HC 71 Duck 25063

Approximate value $: 118,000

2158 sq ft. under roof, 3Br/2 baths, central heat & air. includes appliances most furniture, Located N. of Charleston, 2 miles from I-79. on paved road - On one acre lot. Map location is wrong.

In exchange for Condominium in Florida

Approximate value $ : 110,000

55 + Condo. furnished. 2 Br/2Baths.11-1200 sq ft. 2nd. floor ok - if there is a elevator.(no steps)- nothing S. of Ft. Myers.

ID: 14970, Submitted: 06/30/2011 16:18:00, Updated: 06/30/2011 16:18:00, Visitors: 5782


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