Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in Missouri

Address: glover dr richland 65556

Approximate value $: 150000

77 acres with power on site.
Property is fenced and has a nice mix of woods and pasture.
There is one out building that could be used as tractor storage or hay and needs some sheet metal on roof,[easy fix]
There are 3 hay fields, large one is 17+ acres.. And a spring -08/?start=all perty/
These pics were early spring....
Location is 14 miles south/east of Osage Beach and Camdenton,via hwy42 or A-road from camdenton.. Property tax is 37.00 yr..
For more info just call or email
1-573-765-3339 [Will discount 20% for cash sale]

In exchange for House in Arizona

Approximate value $ : 150000

MFG home on 3+ acres in sierra vista or hereford,Picture rocks area..will pay extra for nice home?? What do you have?

ID: 1376, Submitted: 09/09/2008 17:07:49, Updated: 10/25/2008 21:00:16, Visitors: 7446


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