Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in New Mexico

Address: lot 34 cedar crest 87008

Approximate value $: 100,000

this is a five acre slice of beautiful mountain land Most houses in the area are inconspicuous so as not to destroy the view. Please check it out on world view This land is within 20 minutes of the Sandia Peak Ski Area

In exchange for House in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas

Approximate value $ : 100,000

I would like to live where I can Garden most of the year, where average temperature in winter is above freezing. Land with or without house where I can park my RV.

ID: 26279, Submitted: 07/01/2018 03:15:35, Updated: 07/01/2018 11:11:22, Visitors: 5148


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