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Land in North Carolina

Address: Deer Pant Trail Sunset Harbor 28422

Approximate value $: 490,000.00

Trade your car, home, land or I'll consider anything of value in a down-payment or straight trade for one or more of my NC coastal-area lots. Tax value (land) for retail/market value (car) offer, land value for land value.... this new private subdivision is about 35 minutes northeast of the SC line, between Myrtle Beach and Wilmington. $490K is the total value of subdivision... Buy it for $350K! Individual lots (.7-acre) starting as low as $39.9K. Make me an offer! View my FSBO ad:

In exchange for Property in North Carolina, 27012

Approximate value $ : 400,000.00

In a land (my) for property (your) trade, I want something in western Forsyth county, or eastern Davie county, within 5-10 minutes of the Yadkin river. I will consider anything that's 1 acre or more as long as there's privacy. Some subdivisions considered. Let me know what you have to swap. Let's talk!

ID: 4485, Submitted: 11/26/2009 16:25:04, Updated: 02/03/2010 14:50:29, Visitors: 7629


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