Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Ranch in New Mexico

Address: 1669 Hwy 434 Guadalupita 87722

Approximate value $: 450000

Forest ranch, (lumber, tree farm) with 1600 sq. ft. log home, sep garage, totally off-grid, solar power, catchment water system, cell phone, propane appliances. Total acres 138 but sub-divided into 3 parcels: 31, 43 (w/cabin), 64

In exchange for House in Oregon, Washington, British Columbia

Approximate value $ : 450000

near ocean/bay. Not big city.

ID: 24264, Submitted: 06/18/2014 20:03:54, Updated: 06/18/2014 20:03:54, Visitors: 5793


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