Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Town House in Minnesota

Address: 6522 Aspenwood Dr. Tofte, MN 55615

Approximate value $: $459000

Luxury Condo on Lake Superior between Tofte and Lutsen. 2500 sq. ft of luxury living. Stone fireplace, soapstone counters, hardwood floor, 2 person jet tub, good nightly rentals, 3 baths, garage. Pic. at property # 328183

In exchange for Property in Minnesota, 55800

Approximate value $ : $285,000

We will take a property as down payment. There is a mortgage that will need to be paid. $170000

ID: 8805, Submitted: 10/16/2010 08:16:16, Updated: 10/16/2010 08:16:16, Visitors: 8921


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