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Commercial Property in Indiana

Address: 3031 E 450 N Marion 46952

Approximate value $: 350,000

This building has several potential uses or even a combination or mix of two at the same time. I purchased this with the intentions of developing it into a event center on one side with a pre-school/daycare in another portion of it. During the purchase process of this I ended up investing in another business that for now has limited my reserve cash that I was going to use for this project. Having said that I am open for just about anything from outright sale, contract sale, lease, or business partner for a last resort. If I dont sale this within a reasonable amount of time all end up doing something with it because I wont allow it to just set empty. The building has been used within 6 months as a elementary school that also catered to disabled children making this facility up to date on fire and building codes. It has been heated and maintained as if it was being used.

And dont forget with Indiana going to pass the biggest education overhaul in history and most likely allowing private schools charter schools to collect voucher payments from students this would be a gold mine for private school or charter school.

A small portion of this school was build in the 60's and then built onto in the late 70's I believe. The school has had hundreds of thousands of dollars in updates in the past 5 years and looks very nice inside and out. The property has 7 acres of land that has mature trees and landscaping around the building in the front and eastside facing both roads. The winter pictures of the outside really dont do the building justice. In the summer the flowering crab apple trees and landscaping really looks nice. The trees and flowers are just now starting to bud and will leek awesome real soon with the season change.

The property is on two seperate parcels so a smaller track could be sold off in the rear that would not affect the other property or kept for a home site or I was thinking storage buildings for rent. The parking lot has approximately 60 paved parking spots with a few more parking spots in the rear but the property has plenty of space if more were needed. The parking lot has some cracks but nothing really bad to mention and does have lines painted for parking.

The rear of the building has several peices of play equipment that is good shape and a full basketball court.

More Pictures!!!.....

In exchange for House in Any state

Send me your ideas or offers

ID: 13686, Submitted: 04/16/2011 22:57:14, Updated: 04/16/2011 22:57:14, Visitors: 3330


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