About Us
BestHouseSwap.COM is owned and operated by Best Swap Inc., an Overland Park, Kansas company providing
online space for real estate and other trading advertisements.
The decision to start a real estate trading web site was made when one of the company founders
experienced difficulty selling her own condominium in a current slow real estate market and
decided to exchange it for a similar property in another state. Extensive searching of the
Internet yielded a long list of web sites facilitating vacation home exchanges, but only a
few that offered help with permanent real estate swaps. We realized that many thousands of home owners
that need to move because of new jobs or changing family circumstances are "stuck" in houses that they
are not able to sell and are unwilling to convert into rental properties.
We are hoping to provide a solution by creating an easy and convenient bulletin board that will help
many home buyers and sellers like ourselves to find a perfect property for exchange and get on with their lives.
Best Swap Inc.
6520 W. 110th Street, Ste 100 B
Overland Park, KS 66211