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Commercial Property in Kentucky

Address: W. Stockton St Edmonton 42129

Approximate value $: 120,000.00

Commercial property on main road into and in town. High traffic, small River on two sides. Currently rented and folks would like to stay. I owe $47,000.00, want to trade out my equity for land, antique autos, houseboat, motorhome, not really interested in a house but guess I could consider if it is in the country. Can send photos. This is a great property on the main road, building is in good condition.

In exchange for Land in Alaska, Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee, Washington, -- Canada --, Yucatan

Excellent location. Brick and block. Paved parking lot.

ID: 25941, Submitted: 08/06/2017 04:12:46, Updated: 08/06/2017 04:12:46, Visitors: 5523


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