Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Commercial Property in Michigan

Address: 110 w. Main Street Manton 49663

Approximate value $: 129,000

Upstairs owners apartment (very nice) downstairs full service restaraunt with dining view at
We raised our kids here and have rented out since. Remodeled approx. 1995 I have a current listing with Randy Dye realestate

In exchange for Land in Michigan

Approximate value $ : open

Florida property for me such as Condo,house, land etc. or
Farm or land in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky or something rural for a daughter.

ID: 20047, Submitted: 01/09/2012 19:02:30, Updated: 01/09/2012 19:02:30, Visitors: 2794


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