Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Commercial Property in Minnesota

Address: 402 2nd Street North Sartell 56377

Approximate value $: 260000

Fully rented 4-plex. Each unit had 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Tenants pay heat. In desired school district.

In exchange for Property in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Virgin Islands, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Baja California, 56304

ID: 26755, Submitted: 09/02/2019 19:29:54, Updated: 09/02/2019 19:29:54, Visitors: 5092


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