Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Commercial Property in North Carolina

Address: east plaza dr hw 150 mooresville 28115

Approximate value $: 425k tax value

zoned highway business, allows auto dealership, office plus $600/mo additional income, plus 16x28 garage building, 153ft frontage on hw150....64k owed

In exchange for House in North Carolina, 28115 28117

Approximate value $ : 360k tax value equity

looking to swap for a combination of properties totaling 360k in tax value, rental units, small commercial ,land.... preferably in mooresville....let me know what you have....

ID: 12091, Submitted: 01/28/2011 17:45:57, Updated: 01/28/2011 18:06:30, Visitors: 2630


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