Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Commercial Property in Ohio

Address: Dayton 45402

Approximate value $: 200,000 to 2mil

I have multiple commercial buildings and houses in the Dayton area, both in the city and in the subburbs.
The properties are rentals. I have 3 that aare or could be primary residences.1of the homes is very unique on a river. I am interested in trading for a condo, house or possible commercial in Florida or other costal state or country

In exchange for House in Any state

In a costal town or country, condo house or commercial

Condo ,house. Or

ID: 27964, Submitted: 01/06/2024 18:43:53, Updated: 01/06/2024 20:06:07, Visitors: 2239


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