Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Commercial Property in Pennsylvania

Address: north of pittsburgh 16226

Approximate value $: 265,000.00

im selling or looking to trade for a bar /restaurant in wisconsin. my bar restaurant is open and running. it have a extra bar area and apartment (2br) upstairs. beautiful views of small river just accross the street. country setting. email for pictures and more info.

In exchange for Commercial Property in Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin

Approximate value $ : 265,000

im looking for a bar/restaurant with living area. i am open to other trade like a house plus cash as the same value of my bar restaurant. email me with your offer.

ID: 19876, Submitted: 01/01/2012 03:20:42, Updated: 01/01/2012 03:23:48, Visitors: 7938


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