Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Commercial Property in Texas

Address: 930 N. Mayhill Rd Denton 76208

Approximate value $: $495,000

3.5 acre no zoning on (soon to be 4 lane connecting I35 w/ US380) 4 new shop buildings(rents $850 each.), sales lot w/off.($600 mo.)permits for mini warehouses currently living on prop

In exchange for House in Texas, Spring or Lake Conroe

Approximate value $ : $500,000

Large square footage 3 car garage or any waterfront with boat dock. Or rental (residential-commerical) Would also consider Florida home $200,000-300,000 plus cash

ID: 8082, Submitted: 09/11/2010 12:41:03, Updated: 09/11/2010 12:41:03, Visitors: 8322


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