Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Condominium in Arizona

Address: 9451 E. Becker Scottsdale 85257

Approximate value $: $150,000

Lookig to trade use (use only - non-permanent) of my 2 br, 2 bath, poolside, furnished luxury condo (just remodeled) in North Scottsdale for a unit in Manhattan/Greenwich Village or surroundig area. Terms flexible - 9 months or several years.

In exchange for Condominium in New York

Approximate value $ : open

Looking for use (use only-non permanent swap) of housing in manattan/greenwich/union square area or if you have a property that needs to be watched over.

ID: 14944, Submitted: 06/28/2011 16:12:52, Updated: 06/28/2011 16:12:52, Visitors: 6060


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