Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Condominium in Colorado

Address: 974 N. Ten Mile Drive Frisco 80443

Approximate value $: 250,000

Last of builder's units in Frisco's Drake Landing. 1 bd/1.5 ba 900 sq. ft. Immaculate ground floor unit in two story project. Walking/biking distance to all amenities. Short drive to all Summit/Vail ski resorts. Looking to trade for similar in Florida, Oahu or Big Island.

In exchange for House in Florida, Hawaii

Approximate value $ : 250,000

Looking for anything comparable preferably a short drive or long walk to beach and amenities.

ID: 11068, Submitted: 12/27/2010 18:09:07, Updated: 12/27/2010 18:09:07, Visitors: 2883


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