Address: 15t St., NW bet Q and Corcoran Washington, DC 20009
Approximate value $: $3,800/mo
2 bedroom, 2 bath, exquisite condo in Dupont Circle area. Condo will be available from approximately December 14, 2011 until Jan. 4, 2012. Would like a no-cash swap in Monterey area from December 28-Jan 4. Cost for days outside of that window will be at the rate of $3,800/mo. Walk, bike or use Public transportation to downtown, Smithsonian, the Mall.
In exchange for Town House in California, 20009
Approximate value $ : $3800/mo
2 bedroom, 2 bath, exquisite condo in Dupont Circle area. Condo will be available from approximately December 14, 2011 until Jan. 4, 2012. Would like a no-cash swap in Monterey area from December 28-Jan 4. Cost for days outside of that window will be at the rate of $3,800/mo. Walk, bike or use Public transportation to downtown, Smithsonian, the Mall.