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Condominium in Florida

Address: 1045 Lakeshore Dr. Lake park, fl 33043 West Palm Beach 33403

Approximate value $: 160,000

We have a beautiful 1 bedroom home overlooking both Lake worth (the intracoastal) and Singer Island - you get both a water view and city view at the same time. THIS IS THE END UNIT, WATEFRONT, PIC BELOW. There are two terraces, one facing south, the other east. Gated area, pics below. The house is valued at around $160,000 and we are happy to swap it for anything or we are happy to give you the deed to the house in exchange for a down payment or something equivalent (small sailboat, cash, car, etc). We can't live in the house because we work in Miami and it's an easy home to rent too but we are looking to sell, not rent, this property. This property also has a very large garage that comes with it.
Call 305-904-7697
Some pics below. Please call if you would like to purchase this property or if you would like to trade it with something else. The MLS # is R2752038. Here is the link to 403&ml=3&mnp=19&mxp=20&bd=2&typ=7&ofbm=4000000 &sid=4e8d2ea6a5f7468396e2de9a757130ec&pg=4&lid=1093636787& amp;lsn=35&srcnt=107#Detail

In exchange for Condominium in Florida, 33154, anything im Miami

Approximate value $ : 150,000

We are looking for anything in Miami

ID: 1042, Submitted: 08/01/2008 13:46:43, Updated: 08/01/2008 13:48:25, Visitors: 4720


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