Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Condominium in Florida

Address: Pompano Beach Pompano Beach 33064

Approximate value $: 209000

2/2, garage, storm shutters, tile, walk to all shopping, drug stores, restaurants, banks, post office. Small pets and children ok, maintenance only $200 mo. Close to beach.

In exchange for House in Florida

Approximate value $ : same or less

Anywhere in Fl. or So. Ga., home, condo, mobie home, motorhome, RV, boat, (even consider a lot but not to the full extent of my $135k equity).

ID: 1052, Submitted: 08/06/2008 06:25:47, Updated: 08/06/2008 06:28:19, Visitors: 3453


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