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Condominium in Florida

Address: 1025 Martin St (Lafayette Park) Tallahassee 32303

Approximate value $: 179, 000

This is a newly renovated (2007), two bedroom, 1 bath condominium in the Lafayette park neighborhood that is a 10 minute drive to the state capitol and Florida State University. Two off the bedroom balconies, and large second floor front porch, overlooking Lafayette Park with wood floors, stainless steel appliances, and gas range. I have left my university position at the medical school and am looking for a vacation/retirement condominium in Cedar Key, Florida, in exchange.

In exchange for Condominium in Florida, 32625

Approximate value $ : 179, 000

Located in Cedar Key, Florida, on or near the water.

ID: 3544, Submitted: 08/16/2009 19:49:03, Updated: 08/16/2009 19:49:03, Visitors: 2054


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