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Condominium in Illinois

Address: 4240 N. Clarendon Chicago, IL 60613

Approximate value $: 120,000

Excellent condition, junior one-bedroom condo in buena park/lakeview neighborhood of chicago. Block from the lake...12 minute bus ride to downtown (I work downtown and can walk on a beautiful day). Right by montrose harbor and three dog parks. 92-unit condo building with backyard, great social room, brand new/updated fitness center, and washer dryer room down the stairs from this unit.
Only three units on one floor..very spread out and respectfully quiet building. Dogs of all sizes allowed. Condo has brand new dark wood floors, updated kitchen, completely remodeled bathroom, beautifully painted walls and walk-in closet. Perfect for one or for a very connected couple:) We do it and love it. We are seeking to move to the Los Angeles to many different areas and different styles of homes..also willing to take on a larger mortgage.

In exchange for House in Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, Montana, Pennsylvania, British Columbia

Approximate value $ : 200,000 contact me and we will talk..again, I am open to the above places, but los angeles/southern california number one choice

ID: 4661, Submitted: 12/21/2009 23:53:10, Updated: 12/21/2009 23:53:10, Visitors: 7474


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