Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Condominium in Louisiana

Address: 3021 Constance Street New Orleans 70115

Approximate value $: 250,000

2.5 stories,2.5 bath,2 bedroom, c 1600sq ft. One of the most prime N.O. locations. this is a desireable and v. saleable condo; open space w/ c26 ft high atrium area/skylight. Small condo group. Lowest condo fees in city. Superb placement; great design. Small fenced yard in back. Off street parking. Everything imaginable within blocks. 5 blocks to parade route. Planning on selling v. soon..this is an experiment. Prefer swap for NH/VT home.

In exchange for House in Colorado, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Oregon, Vermont, Wyoming

ID: 12112, Submitted: 01/29/2011 20:46:17, Updated: 01/29/2011 21:12:36, Visitors: 10109


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