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Condominium in Maryland

Address: Lutherville Timonium 21093

Approximate value $: 365,000

1750 sq ft. luxury condo. First floor unit has a private patio entrance with awnings. New plantation shutters, hardwood floors, designer decorated unit. 2 bedroom/2 baths with den, formal dining room, den. Wired for surround. New mouldings throughout. Extra-wide hallways and doors. Best school district in Baltimore County. Convenient to major highways, country clubs and swim club and gourmet shopping. Gas appliances. Generous parking.

In exchange for Condominium in Florida

Approximate value $ : same

I would like to find a waterfront property on the gulf coast, Clearwater and south. Desire minimum of 2 bedrooms/2 baths. Willing to do some fixing-up. Small house is also an option.

ID: 1367, Submitted: 09/09/2008 01:38:59, Updated: 09/09/2008 01:38:59, Visitors: 6266


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