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Condominium in New Jersey

Address: 12th Street Hoboken 07030

Approximate value $: 380,000-390,000

2 BR, 1 BA Condo, 4th Floor, New Kitchen, Great location, Rental property potential, 20 mins to NYC by Path/Bus. Great building.

In exchange for House in New Jersey, 08055

Approximate value $ : 300,000

Looking for house in South Jersey area. Ideally Medford, Mt Laurel, Marlton area. Will consider most areas from exit 5 on NJTP downward. Want to be able to jump on NJTP, and get into NYC or Philly area, ideally closer to Philly.

ID: 7810, Submitted: 08/26/2010 17:08:03, Updated: 08/26/2010 17:08:03, Visitors: 2694


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