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Condominium in New York

Address: 2 Elmwook Park Dr. Staten Island 10314

Approximate value $: 225,000

Approx $40,000 owed on mortgage. Rented for $1,025. Located directly behind the Staten Island Mall with the NYC Express bus at your door.Right up from the golf course, walking distance to everything

In exchange for Condominium in Florida, 34113

Approximate value $ : 100-200,000

Min of a 2 Bedroom/ 2 bath in excellent area ,Like NAPLES or the east coast on the water.An active community would be fine also.The unit being offered is an excellent owner /tenant occuped investment. Is in a very high end building with pool,club house, tennis etc.

ID: 11853, Submitted: 01/19/2011 15:14:15, Updated: 01/19/2011 15:17:19, Visitors: 6257


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