Address: 63rd Drive, Rego Park, Queens New York City 11374
Approximate value $: 275000
Condo in NYC for house\condo in NY\NJ
Looking to swap a 1BR condo in NYC, Queens, Rego Park (low tax and maintenance, close to transportation, lots of shopping in the area) for a house or 2-3BR condo in NY\NJ. The value of the condo is about 275K. I’m looking in NY (Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Nassau, Long Island, Staten Island, Westchester, and Upstate close to NYC or NJ with easy commute to NYC). Not looking to pay very high taxes. Easy Commute to Manhattan is a must. I also have other properties to consider for this swap 1BR coop in Queens, NYC (150K) and 1BR condo in Cliffside Park, NJ ($240K).
In exchange for Condominium in New Jersey
Approximate value $ : flexible
Looking for house or 2BR+ condo in NJ or NY.
Looking to swap a 1BR condo in NYC, Queens, Rego Park (low tax and maintenance, close to transportation, lots of shopping in the area) for a house or 2-3BR condo in NY\NJ. The value of the condo is about 275K. I’m looking in NY (Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Nassau, Long Island, Staten Island, Westchester, and Upstate close to NYC or NJ with easy commute to NYC). Not looking to pay very high taxes. Easy Commute to Manhattan is a must. I also have other properties to consider for this swap 1BR coop in Queens, NYC (150K) and 1BR condo in Cliffside Park, NJ ($240K).