Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Farm in Florida

Address: 17333 Squirrel Prairie Rd Brooksville 34604

Approximate value $: 799,000.00 ** negotiable

35 Acres with 3/2 Home and 40 x 120 Hay Barn, Also Has Income from Cell Tower, see my website for details. Total Value Approx $799,000 I will trade my $399,000 equity for Property in MONTANA , near Helena, Butte, is my goal but I will look at anything in Montana, My Mortgage is 6% fixed with NO Qualifying required, It could be easy to Make a Deal work

In exchange for Property in Montana, 59604

Approximate value $ : 399,000

I will look at ANY property, land,home, comm, etc in Montana , pref near Butte, Helena, Clancy if poss Bill 406-438-3902

ID: 12546, Submitted: 02/15/2011 08:54:57, Updated: 02/15/2011 15:42:55, Visitors: 2521


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