Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Farm in Florida

Address: 33920

Approximate value $: 2,000,000

This property is located in Alva Fl. 4.26 acres with 3 houses (3/2, 2/1, 2/1). Also includes a bunk house, 2 RV hook ups (one travel trailer leased at $750 p/mo), a green house and many plants, mature oak trees, etc.

I'm open to taking a trade for property in Florida. I can hold the mortgage (long term financing at under market rates) as well with property and cash down. Inquire for terms. Property can be used as Bed and Breakfast, Short Term Rentals, etc.

In exchange for Property in Florida

ID: 29361, Submitted: 07/15/2024 17:09:30, Updated: 07/15/2024 17:09:30, Visitors: 691


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