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Farm in Indiana

Address: rinker road mooresville 46158

Approximate value $: 300,000

3 bedroom,2 bath,ranch style home 12yrs.old.2 horse barns.15 stalls&several pens in barn.2 tack rooms&1 bath.Inside arena 45x65.11 acres.Creek runs thru both pastures.5 Dog kennels.1 room house for barn help.Chicken pen&house.2 stall barn also,with fenced lot.Creek runs thru it too.3 storage sheds.Trade for farm or business southern state or sell on contract.$20,000 down&$2000 a month.317-834-8121

In exchange for Farm in Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia

Wanting camp ground,dairy or chicken farm,zoo,some type of business.

ID: 13074, Submitted: 03/11/2011 20:11:27, Updated: 03/11/2011 20:11:27, Visitors: 3504


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