Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Farm in Kentucky

Address: Manchester 40962

Approximate value $: 100,000.

Farm consists of 108 Acres, 10 of which is in cultivation.Has 1400' of paved road and noisy beech creek frontage. All utilities are available, including county water. balance of land is in woodland with big hardwood, land is mountainous with outstanding views, excellant to build that get away cabin and live off the land.

In exchange for House in Georgia

Approximate value $ : 100,000.

House of equal value, near the Georgia coast, will consider small farm or timber land. Land is free and clear and exchange would need to be also.

ID: 22448, Submitted: 08/23/2012 05:14:05, Updated: 08/23/2012 05:44:04, Visitors: 7118


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